Extension of emergency aid

Emergency aid via Suisseculture Sociale will continue under the Covid-19 Act. In the current situation, with no income opportunities and the loss of compensation for cultural workers, the situation is becoming increasingly critical for many and emergency aid is therefore all the more urgent.

Photo: Konstantin Planinski/unsplash.com (see below)

Based on the Covid-19 Cultural Ordinance, which came into force on September 26, 2020 and is valid until December 31, 2021, Suisseculture Sociale (SCS) awards support grants for cultural workers in need on behalf of the federal government. As it can take several weeks to process an application, Suisseculture Sociale recommends that all eligible cultural practitioners who are in a financial emergency submit an application now and not wait until all reserves have been used up.

Regardless of canceled engagements and fees, emergency aid is aimed at cultural professionals who find themselves in a financial emergency due to the current situation. The new Covid-19 Cultural Ordinance has now closed some important loopholes. In addition to the self-employed, "freelance" cultural professionals are now also enshrined in law. According to the ordinance, all full-time cultural workers residing in Switzerland in the performing arts, design, film, visual arts, literature, music and museums are eligible.

A financial emergency generally arises when income no longer covers expenditure. Emergency assistance thus calculates the financial deficit, not the defaulted commitments, which are usually much higher. It is based on the SKOS guidelines and is therefore comparable to social assistance, but unlike social assistance it is not subject to reimbursement. It is subsidiary to other state measures, in particular the Corona income replacement and any unemployment insurance benefits.

Emergency aid is generally paid out for a period of two months and will be continuously adjusted in line with the financial emergency until December 31, 2021 at the latest. Due to the rapidly deteriorating conditions at the current time, emergency aid will be calculated once for three months, from October to December 2020, until the end of the year.

The application form and all information on submitting applications, an FAQ and a guide can be found on the following website http://nothilfe.suisseculture.ch. Applications and all communication must be submitted electronically.

The association Suisseculture Sociale was founded in August 1999 as the sponsor of the social fund to support professional cultural workers in social and economic emergencies. Since April 1, 2020, SCS has been awarding emergency aid on behalf of the federal government based on the Covid-19 Cultural Ordinance.

More info: www.suisseculturesociale.ch

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