St. Gallen work contributions 2020

Artists have received 14 work grants and two three-month studio residencies in Rome from the Canton of St. Gallen. These include the musicians Basil Kehl, Ramon Landolt and Raphael Loher.

Raphael Loher. Photo: Marcel Meier

In addition to the electro-mundart duo "Dachs", Basil Kehl is also on the road as solo artist "Wassily". The problem with his live sets, however, is that he usually disappears behind a wall of synthesizers, electronic tools and controllers. Now he wants to have more "direct contact" with the audience in future. To create these live moments, he wants to reduce the electronic devices and use instruments such as bass, guitar or percussion.

The project by Flawil musician Ramon Landolt is completely different: When ice melts into water, a multitude of extraordinary noises, sounds and tones are created. It is these "iced sounds" that interest him and provide the sound material for his latest musical project, among other things. In it, the young musician explores climate change and its effects on the environment and people in a personal and emotional way.

And Raphael Loher, a musician with a background in jazz, is different again: he works on pieces for solo piano. To do this, he prepares the strings with magnets, adhesive tape and plasticine, creating an adventurous space and experimenting with alienated sounds. The technique of piano preparation originates from the composer John Cage and still offers many unexplored possibilities today.

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