Basel default compensation increased

The cantonal government of Basel-Stadt has approved a further CHF 5 million for cultural workers from the crisis fund to cushion the economic impact of the coronavirus on the cultural sector.

The town hall on Basel's market square. Photo: Christian Heinz /

The federal government has extended the measures to safeguard the Swiss cultural landscape by four months until September 20 and increased its funding for cancellation compensation in the cultural sector. In addition to the CHF 10 million already allocated from the crisis fund in March, the canton is now also making CHF 15 million available for cancellation compensation. Together with the federal funds, the cultural sector in Basel-Stadt will thus receive CHF 30 million.

Major events are still prohibited until at least the end of August, many festivals have already been canceled and cultural institutions are severely restricted in their operations due to the necessary protection concepts.

The compensation can cover a maximum of 80 percent of the financial loss, provided that this is not already covered by other state measures (e.g. short-time work or loss of earnings via the compensation fund). The Culture Division of the Presidential Department will be accepting applications until September 20. Losses due to canceled, postponed and only reduced events that were planned until the end of October 2020 are eligible for compensation.

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