Basel has a new cultural mission statement

The government council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt has adopted its cultural policy strategy for the years 2020 to 2025. It has also commissioned a comprehensive review of music promotion.

Symbolic image: Javier Allegue Barros /

The mission statement also aims to strengthen the excellence and diversity of cultural offerings internationally. Furthermore, cultural innovation is to be facilitated, the opportunities of digitalization are to be exploited and the funding policy is to be specifically geared towards new potential. The canton also writes that it is crucial that the entire population can actively participate in Basel's cultural life. This is made possible by cultural funding that strives to improve inclusion, equal opportunities and gender equality in the cultural sector.

Critical voices were raised during the consultation process, primarily from the music scene: The desired concentration and visualization of Basel as a city of music was going in the right direction, but not far enough. For this reason, with the new cultural mission statement, the government council has now given the task of making a comprehensive overview of music promotion. The aim is to obtain a basis for well-founded decisions. The desire for a festival concept, which is also being examined, was once again expressed by many.

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