Bötticher honored with science prize

This year's Science Prize of the City of Basel goes to Jörg Andreas Bötticher. The musician and lecturer at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis is being honored for his outstanding fundamental research into the music of the 17th and 18th centuries and his commitment to communicating this to the public.

Photo: zVg

Jörg Andreas Bötticher received his musicological training in Basel. He has been a lecturer in harpsichord, basso continuo and chamber music at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis of the FHNW School of Music since 1997. He has been organist at the Predigerkirche Basel with its three historic organs since 1996.

Bötticher's research focuses on basso continuo-oriented composition and performance practice, questions of musical aesthetics and the music of the Italian early Baroque period up to Johann Sebastian Bach and his successors. He is particularly dedicated to lesser-known composers, whose works and musical networks he researches, edits and makes accessible for performance. He has distinguished himself in particular for his research into the basso continuo, which forms the foundation and harmonic framework of music from around 1600 to around 1800, as well as for his practical approach to the performance of Baroque compositions.

The Science Prize of CHF 20,000 is awarded annually and on a rotating basis by the seven faculties to researchers who have a connection to the University of Basel and have distinguished themselves through outstanding scientific achievements.

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