Valais sponsorship award for Tanya Barany

Visual artist Valentin Carron receives this year's Culture Prize of the Canton of Valais. The sponsorship prizes go to the musician Tanya Barany, the actress Pauline Epiney and the architecture firm GayMenzel. This year's special prize goes to gallery owner Christian Bidaud.

Tanya Barany (Image: Jonas Ruppen)

Born in 1994, the Upper Valais singer Tanya Barany, whose real name is Tanja Zimmermann, grew up in Visperterminen. She studied jazz & pop singing at the Zurich University of the Arts from 2014. She completed her Bachelor's degree with distinction for the "Best Bachelor Project" in 2017 and her Master's degree with distinction in music education in 2019.

Tanja Zimmermann has made a name for herself nationally and internationally in recent years as "Tanya Barany". She has performed on many stages at home and abroad and, in addition to "Tanya Barany", is a versatile musician in various formations, a vocal coach, composer, lyricist, producer and songwriter.

The Culture Prize of the Canton of Valais was established in 1980. Endowed with CHF 20,000, the prize crowns a recognized, confirmed artistic career. Since 1982, three further prizes have also been awarded to support talented young artists at a decisive point in their careers. The prizes, each worth CHF 10,000, are a strong sign of recognition and an encouragement to continue on this path. Since 2011, a special prize of CHF 10,000 has also been awarded to individuals or innovative groups in the field of cultural mediation or implementation who contribute to the canton's cultural development through their work "behind the scenes". The prizes are awarded by the State Council to artists nominated by the Cultural Council.

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