Thurgau honors the Janett family of musicians

This year's Culture Prize of the Canton of Thurgau goes to the Janett family of musicians. With the prize, which is endowed with CHF 20,000, the cantonal government is recognizing the work of musicians Sibylle, Curdin, Madlaina, Cristina and Niculin Janett.

Photo: zVg

The five-member Janett family of musicians from Sulgen "effortlessly make the leap from old and traditional music to new and experimental sounds" in their musical work, writes the canton. Sibylle, Curdin, Madlaina, Cristina and Niculin Janett live a great stylistic openness that ranges from folk music and classical music to jazz and improvisation.

Curdin Janett, born in Tschlin in the Engadine in 1953, studied music at the Winterthur Conservatory and plays as a freelance musician in various well-known formations of traditional Swiss and Engadine folk music. Sibylle Janett is a kindergarten teacher in Sulgen and a former teacher of early music education at the Weinfelden music school. Madlaina Janett is an active violist in the folk music scene and a member of various formations. She also works as an event organizer, is a board member of the association Musikvermittlung Schweiz+ and founded an office for cultural mediation in 2011.

Cristina Janett, 1986, completed her Master's degree in Music Education in Bern in 2010 and went on to obtain a Master's degree in Performance at the Zurich University of the Arts. She now plays in various ensembles and teaches cello. Niculin Janett, 1989, completed his Bachelor's degree in jazz saxophone at Zurich University of the Arts in 2011. He obtained a Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy in 2013. As a freelance saxophonist, Niculin Janett improvises, composes and arranges for and with renowned bands and musicians and plays in his own bands. Niculin Janett teaches at the Untersee and Rhine Music School and at the Weinfelden Music School.


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