Architecture firm chosen for Klanghaus

The architectural firm Staufer & Hasler Architekten from Frauenfeld will realize the Klanghaus Toggenburg. In 2021, the first step will be to relocate the road to the future Klanghaus. The Klangwerkstatt is expected to open in 2024.

Planned Toggenburg Sound House (Visualization: nightnurse images, Zurich)

In June 2019, voters in St.Gallen said yes to the construction of the Toggenburg Sound House. The timber construction was designed by architect Marcel Meili from the architectural firm Meili & Peter. He passed away last year. The implementation of the project has now been entrusted to architect Astrid Staufer from the firm Staufer & Hasler in Frauenfeld. She will implement the building project in the spirit of Marcel Meili. Marcel Meili had already developed the Klanghaus in 2010 in contractual collaboration with Astrid Staufer. As the clarifications for the change of architect took time, the start of construction on the project has been delayed by a year.

The Klanghaus is being built on the current site of the Hotel Seegüetli on Lake Schwendi above Unterwasser. Compared to the hotel, the Klanghaus will be built further away from the lake. The first step in 2021 will therefore be to relocate the current road and demolish the Hotel Seegüetli. This will be followed by the construction of the Klanghaus. The canton plans to open the Klanghaus together with the Klangwelt Foundation in 2024. The planning applications for the construction of the road and the Klanghaus will be submitted in fall 2020.

The timber construction will comprise four sound rooms; they can be tuned like an instrument. There will also be two outdoor stages for outdoor music experiments. The rooms can be used for educational, club and company events on the subject of sound.

The Klanghaus is part of the overall "Klangcampus" tourism concept. The concept is currently in the construction and development phase. "Klangcampus" aims to drive economic development and promote cooperation between local businesses, Toggenburg Tourism and the Klangwelt Foundation. The Schwendi area is expected to attract 100,000 guests a year. The annual added value is to be increased to 50 million francs. The conceptual preparatory work is being made possible by financial support from the New Regional Policy (NRP) of the federal government and the canton of St.Gallen.

The total cost of building the Klanghaus is 23.3 million francs. Of this, Klangwelt Toggenburg is financing CHF 1 million. The remaining costs for the canton are CHF 22.3 million. The Klangwelt Toggenburg Foundation will operate the Klanghaus. Private funds of CHF 5.3 million were provided to finance the ongoing operation.

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