Solothurn aid for culture

The Solothurn cantonal government has decided to implement the Federal Council's Covid-19 Ordinance on Culture. With immediate effect, cultural enterprises and creative artists can apply to the canton for additional financial aid.

Spiral staircase in Solothurn town hall. Photo: WikimediaCommons, proof see below

The Solothurn cantonal government has decided on the concrete implementation of the measures and approved support aid with a maximum cost ceiling of CHF 3.48 million. Specifically, non-profit cultural enterprises based in the canton of Solothurn can apply to the canton for repayable interest-free loans to secure their liquidity. Self-employed cultural professionals resident in the canton of Solothurn and cultural enterprises based in the canton of Solothurn can apply for loss compensation.

The support measures are subsidiary to all other state benefits in connection with cushioning the economic consequences of the coronavirus (short-time work compensation; unemployment compensation; compensation for loss of earnings; emergency aid to cultural workers, bridging fund canton of Solothurn). They cover the damage for which no other state compensation is paid and which is not covered by private insurance. At present, it is therefore difficult to predict the extent to which this form of support and the corresponding financial resources will be used in the canton of Solothurn.

Applications for additional support contributions can now be submitted, if possible, by Thursday, April 30, 2020, but no later than Wednesday, May 20, 2020. The corresponding application forms and information sheets are available at is now available.

Picture credits

By Gestumblindi - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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