Financial aid for cultural workers in Obwalden

The Obwalden cantonal government is providing CHF 100,000 from the Swisslos fund to cushion the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis on the cultural sector.

Sarnen village square. Photo: Wikicommons/Roland Zumbühl/

The Federal Council is providing emergency aid for cultural enterprises and professional cultural practitioners, compensation for cultural enterprises and cultural practitioners as well as financial aid for cultural associations in the amateur sector with a Covid Ordinance on Culture. In a first step, the federal government is initially making CHF 280 million available for the period from March 21 to May 20, 2020.

The Federal Council has also tasked the cantons with implementing and financing some of the measures. It bases this on the constitutional responsibility of the cantons for culture. The cantonal government of Obwalden is complying with this requirement and is providing CHF 100,000 from the Swisslos fund to cover half of the compensation for losses incurred in accordance with the ordinance. The other half - as well as the financing of all other aid measures - will be covered by the federal treasury.

The Cantonal Office for Culture and Sport is responsible for carrying out the application procedures for emergency aid for cultural enterprises and for loss compensation for cultural enterprises and cultural professionals. More detailed information on eligibility and application procedures will be published on the canton's website on Thursday, April 9, 2020.

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