Appenzell aid package for culture

The Government Council of Appenzell Ausserrhoden is allocating CHF 450,000 from the lottery fund to the cultural fund. Together with the federal funds, a total of 900,000 francs is thus available for loss compensation for artists and cultural institutions.

Historic center in Herisau. Photo: Schofför / Wikicommons, proof see below

Emergency aid is granted in the form of repayable, interest-free loans. The aim is to ensure liquidity. Applications from non-profit cultural enterprises are dealt with on a cantonal basis. The same applies to applications for loss compensation for cultural enterprises and creative artists. In Appenzell Ausserrhoden, the Office for Culture is responsible for emergency aid and loss compensation. The relevant information sheets and application forms can be found on the canton's homepage at will be published. If possible, applications must be submitted by Thursday, April 30, 2020, but no later than May 20, 2020.

The cantonal government allocates CHF 450,000 from the lottery fund to the cultural fund, which - with the same contribution from the federal government - makes a total of CHF 900,000 available as aid for culture. If the maximum amount is used, the federal contribution to Appenzell Ausserrhoden would amount to CHF 725,000.

According to a - non-exhaustive - overview from the Office for Culture, there are up to 120 cultural event organizers and cultural institutions and around 100 cultural professionals in the canton who are affected by the current situation. It can be assumed that around 40 to 50 percent of cultural professionals will apply for compensation due to the postponement and cancellation of projects and events. It is currently impossible to estimate how many profit-oriented cultural enterprises will apply for financial support under the COVID Ordinance on Culture. The cultural associations are responsible for implementing the emergency aid for creative artists and supporting cultural associations in the amateur sector.

Picture credits

By Schofför - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5 ch,

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