Zurich commission rejects music school law

The Committee for Education and Culture of the Zurich Cantonal Council rejects a popular initiative for a music school law by eleven votes to four and, in return, unanimously supports a counter-proposal it has drawn up.

Zurich City Hall. Proof see below

The law regulates the objectives and tasks of music schools as well as the organizational and financial framework conditions and thus secures music education outside of elementary school. The music school law submitted by the initiators only partially convinced the committee, as some provisions were in need of interpretation and other important sub-issues were completely missing. In addition, the majority of the committee considered the proposed cantonal contribution of 20 percent - currently 3 percent - to be too high.

In the end, the majority of the committee decided against the votes of the SP, Greens, AL and EVP in favor of a cantonal contribution of 10 percent and at the same time parental contributions, which should cover a maximum of 50 percent of the operating costs. The remaining costs will be borne by the municipalities.

With regard to the objectives and tasks of music schools and the criteria required for recognition by the canton, the new law is largely based on previous practice and the greatest possible municipal autonomy. The music schools should provide a minimum offer and cooperate regionally with regard to a more extensive offer.

The services provided by music schools cover all levels from basic musical education to preparatory courses for music studies for particularly talented pupils, the latter in coordination with the universities of applied sciences. A minority (SVP and partly FDP) would grant music schools even more freedom with regard to their market positioning, for example in relation to the training requirements for music teachers, and has tabled several amendments to this effect. A minority (FDP) demands a legal obligation for the financial participation of parents instead of an optional formulation at the discretion of the municipality, as well as clarifications regarding the composition of the chargeable operating costs.

A minority (SP, Greens, AL, EVP) would like to make the financial framework conditions more generous for music schools by requesting a cantonal contribution of 20% and parental contributions to cover a maximum of 43% of operating costs. The SP and AL also support the popular initiative.

Photo: bagal / pixelio.de

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