Recognition for Köppl and Belles de Nuit

The Canton of Zurich honors Jörg Köppl, Mathias Reiter and the association Les Belles de Nuit for their commitment to the participation of the broadest possible section of the population in cultural life.

Association committee of "Les Belles de Nuit". Photo: zVg

Jörg Köppl lives and works as a freelance musician and composer in Zurich. In his works, he expands the concept of new music by combining it with sounds from real life. In his works with disabled people in particular, the canton writes, he succeeds in showing the physically impaired performers in such a way that the result is not a theater of consternation, but a very unique aesthetic statement.

Electronic music and the associated nightlife are dominated by male promoters, DJs and club owners. This is where Les Belles de Nuit comes in: the association aims to promote and network women and other underrepresented groups in the electronic music and culture scene.

The promotion of cultural participation is one of the priorities that the Canton of Zurich has set for its cultural policy. The recognition grants are endowed with CHF 10,000 each.

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