Annoni and Membrez honored

The Canton of Bern's cultural mediation prize, endowed with CHF 10,000, goes to the musicians and music mediators Julien Annoni and Olivier Membrez from the Bernese Jura. The Spoken Word association in Biel was awarded the 2019 Culture Prize.

Julien Annoni (left) and Olivier Membrez. Photo: © Lucas Dubuis

The work of the two musicians and music mediators Julien Annoni and Olivier Membrez from the Bernese Jura is multi-layered, avant-garde and always committed to contemporary music, writes the Canton of Bern. The directors of the Usinesonore association develop "contemporary music events in a spirit of openness and artistic renewal, placing particular emphasis on communication and constantly finding new forms for this".

In this way, the two musicians succeed in spreading their passion for contemporary music to audiences of all ages. The Canton of Bern honored the musician duo Annoni/Membrez "for their tireless commitment to the music of today and their innovative approach to music education" with the 2019 Cultural Education Award.

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