Swarms donate 2.3 million francs for music

According to the Crowdfunding Monitor of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 516.6 million francs were raised via crowdfunding platforms in 2018. Just 2.3 million francs flowed into music projects.

Photo: Ryoji Iwata / Unsplash (see below)

The crowdfunding volume increased by a further 38% compared to the previous year. This means that Switzerland has become one of the largest crowdfunding markets in continental Europe. In the previous year, the value was 374.5 million francs. Since the emergence of crowdfunding in Switzerland, projects worth almost CHF 1.1 billion have been financed via this alternative form of financing.

Crowdfunding in Switzerland can be divided into four areas: Crowdsupporting/crowddonating, crowdinvesting, invoice trading and crowdlending. In the crowdlending segment, loans totaling CHF 261.9 million (+40%) were financed. In crowdinvesting, investments amounted to CHF 204.9 million (+52%). In crowdsupporting/crowddonating, projects were supported with over CHF 25.6 million (-12%). The biggest growth drivers in 2018 were the financing of SMEs via crowdlending and investments in real estate via crowdinvesting.

The volume of crowdsupporting fell slightly compared to the previous year. However, the number of campaigns increased by 7%. The sports category is particularly popular, with a total of 568 projects funded to the tune of CHF 5.4 million. Social projects were supported with 3.1 million francs, while 2.3 million francs went to music. Projects with a commercial focus, in which crowdfunding is used as a pre-sales channel for products, were also very successful. The volume in this area amounted to CHF 5.3 million.

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