Ernen Music Village Association honored

Every year, the Valais State Council Prize honors an institution for the simultaneous development of culture and business. In its second edition, the prize goes to the music village of Ernen.

Music village Ernen. Photo: Raphael Hadad

As announced by the Valais State Chancellery on April 18, the State Council created the "Valais Culture and Economy Prize" in 2018 on the basis of a joint initiative by the Department of Health, Social Affairs and Culture and the Department of Economic Affairs and Education. The aim was to honour and recognize the commitment of an institution, company or event that dedicates its activities to cultural and economic development. The prize, endowed with CHF 20,000, is awarded annually.

The decisive selection criteria are: "originality, quality and exemplary character of the productions and realizations recognized by cultural and economic circles; reach and long-term national and international appeal; cultural and economic impact for Valais; solid, long-term financing model."


Prize winner 2019 Association Music Village Ernen

The State Chancellery continues: "In 1974, the Hungarian musician György Sebök founded a music festival in Ernen. For him, the village was an oasis of culture and music, far away from the hustle and bustle: great music in a simple setting. A plausible concept with which he brought together exceptional musicians. Today, a literature week and a writing workshop are also held as part of the music festival. Although the death of the founder (1999) can be a difficult moment for a festival of this level, the Musikdorf Ernen association knew how to carry on his work. The association thus continues to make an important contribution to the musical image of Valais. It also makes a significant contribution to the attractiveness of the municipality of Ernen and the region. As a strong sign of recognition, the association received the Prix Montagne in 2013.

The association covers around three quarters of its budget of CHF 770,000 through the sale of its productions, sponsorship, private patrons and the direct contributions of its 470 members. The municipalities of Ernen and Brig, the canton and the Loterie Romande contribute just over a quarter with 200,000 francs (2018). These four sources of funding give the music village stability and longevity. The association thus finances half a million francs worth of wages and services in Valais. The organizers estimate the direct added value for the regional economy at around 2 million francs."

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