Lottery funds for culture continue

The Bernese cantonal government is revising the cantonal lottery law and adapting it to the new federal law. Charitable projects, primarily in the areas of culture and sport, are to continue to be supported with lottery funds.

Photo: KFM/

Today, the canton of Bern has a good CHF 50 million a year at its disposal to support charitable projects in areas such as culture and sport. Hundreds of associations and institutions benefit from this every year for their charitable projects. The new Cantonal Gambling Act is intended to ensure the continued distribution of funds. It introduces certain innovations and clarifications in the areas of funding. In future, funds will also be able to flow to charitable projects in the area of youth and society. The subsidization of state tasks through net profits from lotteries and sports betting remains inadmissible.

The cantonal government has initiated the consultation on the amendment to the law by May 21, 2019. It is planned that the Grand Council will discuss the amendment to the law at first reading in the 2020 spring session. The new law must enter into force on January 1, 2021 at the latest.

Linked photo credits: KFM /

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