Richard Irniger honored with the Zurich Stadttaler

The Mayor presented Zurich patron Richard Irniger with the Stadttaler. She thanked him for his great services to the musical life of the city of Zurich.

Photo: Kathrin Frischemeyer/

For almost a quarter of a century, Richard Irniger has made his villa available to musicians of various styles, from classical to jazz and folk music, according to the city's press release. Over a thousand concerts have already taken place in the premises on Schneckenmannstrasse, where musicians can also practice and rehearse regularly.

After each concert, the patron, who celebrated his eightieth birthday on January 27, offers an aperitif riche and brings the audience into conversation with the artists in a relaxed atmosphere. According to the tribute, Richard Irniger has "created a cultural gem on the Zürichberg with which he has tirelessly enriched Zurich's musical life".

Linked photo credits: Kathrin Frischemeyer /

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