Support for the Chuchchepati Orchestra

With this year's third tranche of funding from the Culture Fund, the Government Council of Appenzell Ausserrhoden has supported five projects with a total of CHF 63,000, including Patrick Kessler's newly founded Eastern Switzerland Chuchchepati Orchestra.

Photo: © Kasimir Höhener, Nov. 2018

Chuchchepati is the Nepalese word for horizon, a district of Kathmandu. The Appenzell-based double bass player, experimental musician and sound art mediator Patrick Kessler uses this term to refer to the origin of eight large loudspeakers, which act as an octaphonic installation in his orchestra of the same name. Together with the other instruments of the ensemble, they create a flexible sound language of real-time soundtracks. The sound installation is openly accessible and communicative; the audience should actively participate. It will be heard at a total of 24 concerts, with different line-ups and in a wide variety of locations.

Kessler lives in Gais (AR) and moves with the double bass at the interface between performative art and improvisation, between installation and composition - often supplemented with electronic elements, experimental analog sound collages and visual means. Among other things, he curates "Klang Moor Schopfe" - sound installations and festival in the high moor of Gais, the concert series "Appenzeller Wechselstube" and the "Jazz Linard" jazz festival in Lavin.

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