Schwyz work contributions

The Cultural Commission of the Canton of Schwyz awards ten artists with a work grant, including the musician Rachel Bächtold alias Rachel Divà.

Rachel Diva (Image: zvg)

Martina Kalchofner, Janine Schranz and Barbara Gwerder will receive awards in the visual arts category, Rahel Bächtold from Muothatal will receive 18,000 francs in the music category, Thomas Horat will receive 18,000 francs in the short and animated film category and Regula Trutmann and Edith Schelbert, Nelly Büttikofer, Oscar Sales Bingisser and Roger Bürgler will receive 18,000 francs in the theater and dance category.

Rachel Bächtold, who was born in 1991 and performs under the stage name Rachel Divà, has given around one hundred concerts in the past year. According to the canton, the self-taught artist has made considerable progress in recent times. However, the current state of her performance makes it clear that survival in this highly competitive business requires professional support and further training.

The planned training at the MI (Music Institute) in Los Angeles is therefore necessary and currently the best choice to successfully continue on the path she has chosen. "Rachel Divà's proven talent and her perseverance to date deserve encouragement and support in the form of a work contribution.

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