Questions about the music article copied

The Department of Home Affairs has written off Martina Munz's interpellation "Implementation of the new constitutional article 67a on the promotion of music education" because it was not dealt with conclusively by the Council within two years.

Music education is currently not an issue in the Federal Parliament. Photo: Joujou /

On September 29, 2016, National Councillor Martina Munz submitted an interpellation on the implementation of constitutional article 67a "Music education", which was adopted on September 23, 2012, and on which the Federal Council issued a statement on November 16, 2016. The National Council was due to discuss the interpellation on December 16, 2016. However, the discussion was postponed - and not taken up again. On September 28, 2018, the matter was declared closed.

Link to the interpellation and the Federal Council's statement


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