New impetus for the Thurgau music scene

The Thurgau cantonal government has approved the canton's comprehensively revised cultural concept for the years 2019 to 2022. Every year, over one million francs more will flow from the lottery fund into culture, including for the Thurgau music scene.

The Cartusia ensemble at Ittingen Charterhouse was one of the sponsors. Photo: Waldteufel/

With the new version of the cultural concept, the canton is setting three development goals in the promotion of culture that address important cultural impulses for Thurgau and enable sustainable cultural promotion. These are the implementation of the museum strategy for the cantonal museums, the stronger networking of event organizers in the cultural sector and new impulses for the Thurgau music scene. These development goals are intended to promote stronger networking and encourage cooperation.

A large number of active ensembles and organizations organize concerts, music series and festivals in the canton. However, innovative projects are rather rare and cross-genre projects or those that create new synergies are few and far between, writes the canton. The focus is therefore intended to encourage more exchange and cooperation across genre boundaries and give new impetus to the Thurgau music landscape.

The desire for stronger networking in the decentralized canton is of particular concern to cultural professionals and organizations. Discussion rounds were held with them in advance in order to gather suggestions and ideas and to clarify concerns regarding cantonal cultural promotion.

With the new cultural concept, over one million francs more is expected to flow from the lottery fund each year. Overall, the planned contributions for the years 2019 to 2022 will increase from CHF 9,746,000 per year to CHF 10,791,000. The annual contributions for performance agreements will increase from CHF 2,646,000 to CHF 3,091,000 due to numerous increases.

The new cultural concept will apply from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, and all service agreements with cultural sponsors will also be concluded for this period. To simplify matters for applicants, all criteria for the granting of subsidies can now be accessed directly online at

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