Vögeli receives cantonal support

The canton and city of Schaffhausen have decided on this year's grants. Among other things, they are awarding Urs Vögeli a total of CHF 25,000 for the realization of three music videos by the band Ghost Town and for the recording of songs that deal with depression.

Urs Vögeli with Ghost Town Music. Photo: Christian Breitler

A total of 18 applicants submitted dossiers for the grants. The board of trustees awarded 6 grants. The aim of the grants from the Canton and City of Schaffhausen is "to provide substantial support for the most convincing applications". The Board of Trustees decides independently on the amount of support; the minimum amount is CHF 15,000. Applications are accepted regardless of age and genre.

In addition to Vögeli, the conceptual artists Jana Honegger and Kent Clelland, the writer Daniel Mezger, the artist Marion Ritzmann, the artist Michael Stoll and the filmmaker and director Sebastian Weber will also be supported.

In 2019, the artist Ursula Scherrer and the artist Velimir Ilisevic received studio grants from the Canton of Schaffhausen, which enable artists to spend six months in Berlin and develop their artistic work in a different environment.

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