Chlefele is Swiss cultural heritage

The national web inventory "List of living traditions in Switzerland" collects interesting facts about 199 important forms of intangible cultural heritage in Switzerland. The former fasting custom Chlefele is now listed.

Picture: Schwyz Tourism

At the suggestion of the cantonal cultural commission of Schwyz, the responsible commission at the Federal Office of Culture (BAK) has added the Chlefele to the list of living traditions. In the post-war years, this formerly widespread fasting custom largely disappeared from the scene, except in the canton of Schwyz. Here, the Chlefele was able to survive because effective measures were taken in the 1960s and 2000s. Not least thanks to the introduction of "Priis-Chlefelen" in Schwyz, Muotathal and Steinen, in which over 400 children take part every year, the tradition has remained alive and is still very popular today, especially among schoolchildren.

The detailed dossiers on all the traditions that can be found in the web inventory of living traditions have been compiled by experts on behalf of the cantonal cultural offices. The dossiers provide an insight into the great diversity of traditions, from oral traditions, social practices, rituals and festivals to traditional handicraft techniques and practices in dealing with nature. The web inventory for the "List of living traditions in Switzerland" can be found at

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