Appenzell Ausserrhoden promotes cultural projects

Appenzell Ausserrhoden is co-financing an open-air theater entitled "Das glückselige Leben" (The Blissful Life), which will be performed on the village square in Trogen in autumn 2019 with the participation of an amateur choir. It is one of five projects to benefit from funding from the canton.

Trogen's Landsgemeinde square. Photo: Joachim Kohler, Bremen. WikimediaCommons

According to the canton's press release, the open-air theater deals with a social theme that has been relevant throughout the centuries - the search for individual and communal happiness - and links this to the currently planned renovation of the village square. The project will be realized by professional performers with the involvement of around 70 amateurs, including a choir.

On the recommendation of its Cultural Council, the Government Council of Appenzell Ausserrhoden awarded support to five applications as part of the first funding tranche in 2018. The four other funded projects include the documentary film "Plötzlich Heimweh" by Yu Hao, which deals with the process of integration through the camera of the Chinese woman who first came to Switzerland in 2002.

The theater project "Apéro riche" by the Varain theater group is about forms of individual and social commitment. The play is linked to the 1918 national strike and aims to find out what people are committed to today. The interdisciplinary, autobiographical trilogy "Ryf" by Michael Finger is about a personal development process. An album is also being produced to accompany the stage play, for which he is writing the texts and composing the music. The fifth grant goes to the literary project Schulhausromane.

In addition, the Department of Education and Culture granted a total of CHF 54,600 for 33 applications between the end of October 2017 and February 2018.

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