Valais cultural strategy 2018

The Valais State Council has adopted the canton's 2018 cultural strategy. It defines the vision, objectives and priorities that the canton of Valais will pursue in the coming decade, based on the Culture Promotion Act (KFG).

Valais project Art en partage (Image: Gianluca Colla)

Although it is not the responsibility of the public sector to support the personal practice of music by amateurs, there is sometimes a public interest in promoting this if it takes place within a collective framework and contributes to the development and preservation of social cohesion, according to the cultural strategy. If amateur music-making is anchored locally, it develops "within the framework of social networks that can mobilize the necessary public and private support from the immediate environment".

In this case, state support is not necessary unless special attention is to be paid to a social group that could be marginalized. In the area of artistic activity by amateurs, the canton therefore "takes on the role of primarily promoting the acquisition of artistic skills within the framework of education (music and theater schools)". In this area, the close cooperation between the state and the recognized music schools has achieved significant harmonization. It has made it possible to create a common curriculum and to provide the Valais with a modern, relevant law.


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