German support for No Billag opponents

It is rare for foreign interest groups to get directly involved in Swiss cultural policy. In view of the No Billag vote, however, the German Orchestra Association (DOV) and the trade union Ver.di are now doing so at somewhat short notice.

Photo: Christian

The No Billag initiative could have "devastating effects on the media and cultural landscape not only in Switzerland", write DOV and ver.di. At the moment, even experts can hardly predict the outcome. What is certain, however, is that the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG) would no longer exist in its current form if fee financing were to be abolished.

The Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di) and the Deutsche Orchestervereinigung (DOV) consider such a step to be a serious risk. This is because the result in Switzerland would also have a signal effect on the debate in Germany.

According to DOV Managing Director Gerald Mertens, this would also jeopardize the provision of basic cultural services. The public orchestras, choirs and big bands in Germany make an irreplaceable contribution to society with their integrative work and commitment to music education. Without sufficient contributions, this unique cultural offering would be massively endangered.



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