Michel Vust becomes Biel's cultural delegate

Michel Vust will take over as Head of the City of Biel's Department of Culture on July 1, 2018. The film and digital specialist is moving from Pro Helvetia to the bilingual city at the southern foot of the Jura mountains

Michel Vust (Image: zvg)

Born in Neuchâtel in 1976, Michel Vust currently lives in Zurich. He has been working for the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia since 2012 as the person responsible for promoting digital cultural creation. He has designed his own support systems for this. From 2005 to 2012, he was co-director of the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF). He was also responsible for various publications of the Locarno Film Festival. At the same time, he initiated the founding of an association that ensured the continued existence of the Neuchâtel concert hall "Case à Chocs".

Vust's new task is to "support and promote institutions and creative artists in their projects". The aim is to raise the profile of the Biel scene, which is characterized by bilingualism. It is responsible for promoting cultural activities in collaboration with the thirty or so institutions that have a performance contract.

In his new role, he also supports numerous cultural events on a selective basis. Together with the Cultural Commission, he monitors the allocation of funds for work grants and for studios abroad. He also manages several rooms that are made available to local artists. In collaboration with the Art Commission, he is responsible for the further development and preservation of the city's art collection.


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