Balance sheet 16/17 of the Lucerne Theater

In the first season of the Lucerne Theater under the directorship of Benedikt von Peter, the average seat occupancy rate was around 80 percent with 72,913 admissions. The income statement closed with a positive annual result of CHF 76,332.

Photo: Ingo Hoehn/wikimedia commons

The 642 placement projects generated 44,483 admissions. With a total budget of CHF 25,730,395.52, the income statement for 16/17 closed with a positive result of CHF 76,332.15. The self-financing ratio increased slightly to 20.02%.

The motto for the 16/17 season was "New Spaces" and stands for the
concept of spatial theater, which is "based on the principle of altered perception", according to the theater's press release. This can be the use of non-theatrical locations, the repurposing of the theater or a new perspective on a character, as well as "the change of visual axes, the relinquishment of interpretative sovereignty and thus the coexistence of artists and audience in the space".

At the same time as the change of artistic director, an internal reorganization process took place, the theater continues, with the aim of introducing a contemporary corporate structure involving all employees. A corporate identity was defined and a new corporate design implemented.

The artistic realignment increased visitor numbers, more than doubled the number of Friends members and boosted online traffic on all channels: the number of newsletter subscribers rose by 32.5 percent, webshop sales by 50 percent and visits to the theater website by 52 percent.

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