Call from cultural professionals
The appeal below is coordinated by SIG and SWISSPERFORM and supported by numerous organizations from the cultural sector.
We creative artists - musicians, actors, authors, literary translators, filmmakers, cabaret artists, speakers, dancers - whether amateurs or professionals - stand up for a culturally diverse Switzerland.
We want a diverse cultural landscape
The No Billag initiative wants to break up the SRG. The existence of 13 regional television stations and 21 local radio stations would also be threatened. This not only calls into question the free formation of opinion, but also Switzerland's cultural tradition: from folk music to techno, from "Bestatter" to feature films, from crime thrillers to humor festivals.
One thing is crystal clear: purely advertising-financed stations have a massively smaller share of Swiss music than SRG and other fee-financed private radio stations. Genres such as classical music, folk music, jazz or rock would no longer take place. SRG is also an existentially important partner for film and documentary production in Switzerland.