Sibyl Matter on the STB Foundation Board

The municipal council of the city of Bern has elected Sibyl Matter to the seven-member Board of Trustees of Konzert Theater Bern (KTB). On January 1, 2018, she will succeed Peter Stämpfli, who has been a member of the Board of Trustees for many years and will step down from the Board at the end of December 2017.

Sibyl Matter (Photo: Alexander Egger)

53-year-old Sibyl Matter is an advocate, notary and mediator and a partner in the Solvas law firm. Among other things, she is President of the Bern Center for the Blind and Disabled and a member of the Progr Foundation Board. Sibyl Matter manages the rights to her father Mani Matter's songs on behalf of the family.

Peter Stämpfli has represented the City of Bern on the Board of Trustees of the newly founded cultural institution Konzert Theater Bern since its inception in July 2011. According to the City of Bern, he played a major role in ensuring that the KTB coped well with the challenging start-up phase and found its place as the most important cultural institution in the canton and the entire region.

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