Cultural participation is to be strengthened

The National Cultural Dialogue has discussed the status of its 2016-2020 work program. The partners are considering jointly publishing an inventory on the topic of cultural participation.

Simplifying access to cultural offerings? Photo: nchenga nchenga/

According to a press release from the Federal Office of Culture (FOC), strengthening cultural participation is a central axis of action in the Confederation's cultural policy and is becoming increasingly important in various cantons and cities. A survey is also planned for the first national monument statistics. The survey is intended to provide in-depth insights into the financing of monuments in Switzerland by the public sector.

The National Cultural Dialogue was established in 2011 and brings together representatives of the political authorities and cultural representatives from the cantons, cities, municipalities and the Confederation. Its work is based on an agreement from 2011 and the 2016-2020 work programme adopted in April 2016. The political authorities form the strategic steering body of the National Cultural Dialogue with the head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), representatives of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), the Swiss Association of Cities (SSV) and the Swiss Association of Communes (SGV).

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