Cultural awards from the city of St. Gallen

The City of St.Gallen presents the cultural awards for 2017, a recognition prize, four sponsorship prizes for cultural work and six work grants for innovative artistic projects. they go to Bernhard Ruchti and Nathalie Maerten, among others.

Bernhard Ruchti. Photo: Andi Dietrich

The recognition award goes to Martin Leuthold, Creative Director of Jakob Schlaepfer AG. He is being honored for his far-reaching creative work and his formative impact on Swiss textile design, as well as for his commitment to St.Gallen's cultural life. The 2017 municipal sponsorship awards go to theater and filmmaker Michael Finger, dancer Alena Kundela, musician Bernhard Ruchti and author Claudia Vamvas.

The visual artists Peter Dew, Jiří Makovec and Herbert Weber, the dance ensemble House of Pain with Jasmin Hauck, Cecilia Wretemark and David Schwindling, the author Laura Vogt and Nathalie Maerten for their musical work in the literature category. Nathalie Maerten is also responsible for the musical program at the award ceremony, together with pianist and sound inventor Urs Baumgartner alias Kafi-d.

The award ceremony will take place as part of a public celebration on Monday, November 13, 2017, at 6 pm at the Palace. Following the award ceremony, the city will offer an aperitif riche. The event is open to the public and admission is free.

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