Work years of the city of Zurich

The City of Zurich is awarding a total of CHF 633,000 to twenty creative artists and two collectives in six funding categories.

Groene Ruis, performance by Cathy van Eck. Photo: zVg

The work years in the field of jazz/rock/pop go to Vincent Glanzmann, Bettina Klöti and Fabian Sigmund, in the field of serious music to Cathy van Eck (work year composition) and the duo Buck / Wolfarth (work year interpretation). Mayor Corine Mauch will present the awards on Thursday, November 30, 2017, at a ceremony for invited guests at Kaufleuten.

A total of twenty artists and two collectives in the six sponsorship categories will be awarded years of work, scholarships and recognition grants totaling CHF 633,000. The award for special cultural merit will also be presented in this context. It goes to the literary mediator Stefan Zweifel.

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