New billing model for concert organizers

The government council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt is introducing a new standardized billing model for public security costs at sporting and concert events.

Photo: Stephen Woods/flickr

Invoicing is no longer based on the number of spectators as before, but on the actual hours worked by the public service providers. As before, no costs are charged for major cantonal and Swisslos Fund-supported events such as Fasnacht, Em Bebbi sy Jazz or the Youth Culture Festival.

Other sporting and concert events will be charged half of the costs and other major events will be charged all of the costs. In order to introduce the new billing model, the Government Council has amended the Ordinance on the Cantonal Police of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, the Ordinance on the Fees to be Charged by the Fire Service and the Ordinance on the Fees to be Charged by the Basel Ambulance Service.

The new regulation is primarily motivated by the activities of FC Basel. While it will have little impact on concert and other event organizers, it will mean that the football club's contributions to the cantonal security authorities will double from around CHF 1 million today to around CHF 2 million per year.

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