Art and Culture Foundation Uri realigned

As every year, artists and cultural practitioners from Uri can apply for the Uri Work Year and for work and support grants. The application deadline is October 9, 2017 and is open to artists and cultural practitioners living in Uri or who have lived here for eight years.

House of Art Uri, Altdorf. Photo: Lang/Baumann

As the Danioth Foundation was repeatedly misunderstood as a funding foundation, the name of the well-known Uri artist was dropped in last year's reorganization. According to the canton's press release, the Uri Art and Culture Foundation is funded entirely from public lottery fund contributions. The four-year continuation period will last until the end of 2019.

According to the new guidelines, the jury is also free to award a Uri Year of Work with 20,000 francs, the highest award. The grants amount to between 4000 and 10,000 francs and recognize previous achievements. Purchases of works or project contributions range from CHF 2000 to CHF 6000. A work year or studio in Uri can only be awarded once.

Application documents: For artists (visual arts, music, literature, dance, theater, film, photography and new media) who live in Uri or have lived there for eight years (Search term: Art and Culture Foundation)

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