Young people mainly listen to music online

According to a study by consulting firm Ernst & Young, almost three out of four 20-year-olds and younger listen to music exclusively or mostly online - only two percent use traditional playback devices such as CD players or the radio.

Picture: Ernst & Young

Across all age groups, those who listen to music online exclusively or for the most part and those who only listen to music on traditional players are in balance, each accounting for around a quarter of respondents.

Streaming services are used most intensively by men: 53% of them listen to music online (women 47%), 34% watch films (women 30%) and 27% play games online (women 25%). Only eBooks are used more frequently by women: 21% also read books online, compared to just 16% of men. The survey was conducted in spring 2017.

Users would spend an average of 7.20 euros on music. According to Ernst & Young, even those who do not yet use streaming services but are interested in principle show a high willingness to pay. These current non-users would pay an average of 8.30 euros for films and series and 6 euros for music.

Spotify dominates the paid music streaming market in Germany, well ahead of its competitors. Of those who use paid music streaming services, almost half (49%) access the service from Sweden. Amazon Music is in second place with a market share of 21 percent. The third-largest provider is Apple with a market share of 11 percent. Apple is particularly popular with women, 19% of whom access the company's service.

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