Focal dystonia is an occupational disease

In Germany, focal dystonia has now been officially recognized as an occupational disease. This is a motor disorder when playing an instrument such as the oboe or trombone.

Typical dystonia pattern on the piano (Image: zvg)

Focal dystonia in instrumental musicians only affects professional musicians, for example orchestral musicians or music teachers. The number of affected musicians is growing, and younger musicians are also affected. Because muscles and blood vessels are no longer in their normal state of tension, those affected suffer from neurological movement disorders. In extreme cases, musicians can no longer play their instrument at all.

The illness is caused by too little rest, exhaustion, competition and pressure to perform, but also permanent overload in the private sphere. The healing process is usually lengthy.

The German Orchestra Association (DOV) has long campaigned for the recognition of focal dystonia as an occupational disease. It is now one of five diseases to be recognized with the amendment to the German Occupational Diseases Ordinance.


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