Establishment of an art and sports school in Winterthur

The Winterthur Central School Board has decided to support the establishment of an arts and sports school in Winterthur. It is planned as a third location alongside Uster and Zurich. The talent class in the Feld school building is to be closed at the end of the 2017/2018 school year.

Kurt Michel /

The Winterthur Art and Sports School is being built on the site of the Deutweg sports park in the new "Wincity" sports center together with the private school "SBW Haus des Lernens AG". The school will offer proven talents from the fields of sport, music or dance with a high level of training the opportunity to combine a secondary school education and a sporting or artistic career simultaneously and holistically.

A talent class with 22 places has been run in the Feld school building in Winterthur since 2009. The cantonal government has extended the license, which was originally limited to two years, several times, most recently until the end of the 2018/2019 school year, with the clear intention - similar to the schools in Uster and Zurich - of transferring the talent class to an arts and sports school in Winterthur.

With its decision, the Central School Board has now followed the recommendation of the cantonal government. As a result, the existing talent class in the Feld school building is to be closed at the end of the 2017/2018 school year. Follow-up solutions for pupils in the existing talent classes will be made possible at the newly established Winterthur Art and Sports School.

An information event will be held for parents, guardians and current pupils at the end of August 2017 in the Feld school building to provide direct information about the planned transition of the talent class to the "K+S Schule Winterthur", the new offer and the possible follow-up solutions.

The city council has approved a grant totaling CHF 200,000 for the first four years of operation of the new "K+S School Winterthur".

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