Figures, elections, prizes and a resolution

The Suisa General Assembly has adopted a resolution to strengthen the public service. It calls on the Swiss parliament to take account of the important role played by TV and radio stations financed by license fees.

Polo Hofer, winner of the Fondation Suisa 2017. photo: Patric Spahni

The SRG broadcasters are extremely important for Swiss musicians, writes Suisa. The broadcasters discover their music and offer them an important platform. The fee-financed broadcasters fulfill a public service mandate, which also includes entertainment, music and culture. SRG stations in particular broadcast Swiss music in all genres and have an overall share of 20 percent Swiss music - on average more than twice as much as private stations.

Last year, the copyright society Suisa achieved the best result in its history and was able to distribute 128.9 million Swiss francs to composers, lyricists and publishers of music. After a cost deduction of 12.37 percent on the statements to the beneficiaries, Suisa distributes around 88 out of every 100 francs of its income to the composers, lyricists and publishers of music.

The Annual General Meeting elected Zurich composer and orchestrator for film and advertising film music Jonas Zellweger to the Distribution and Works Commission (VWK) in a by-election. He replaces Alexander Kirschner, who is stepping down prematurely. The VWK consists of Suisa members and is primarily concerned with issues relating to the distribution of Suisa's income.

The Bernese lyricist and composer Polo Hofer has been awarded this year's Fondation Suisa prize in the category "Text authors of musical works". The foundation honors the musician Polo Hofer for his complete works as a lyricist. The jury paid particular tribute to the perseverance with which Hofer has pursued his work for 50 years. Even at 72 and despite health setbacks, Polo Hofer's passion for writing lyrics and making music remains unbroken. Songs from his pen have become popular songs.

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