Swarm financing has become established

In 2016, 245 crowdfunding projects were realized in the music and festivals sector in Switzerland. According to the "Crowdfunding Monitoring Switzerland" study by the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the average amount raised amounted to just under CHF 7,600.

Photo: Maja Dumat/pixelio.de

According to the study, the average campaign sums achieved vary greatly within the categories (between CHF 5700 in the "Dance, Theater" category and CHF 111,296 in the "Technology, Business, Start-up" category). The average amount of funding for a "Music, concerts, music festivals" campaign and a campaign in the "Sport, health" category was just under CHF 7,600. The figure for "Society, social projects" was CHF 9,200.

The authors of the study expect further growth in the crowdfunding market in 2017 with a volume of CHF 300 to 400 million. "Providers in the areas of real estate crowdinvesting, SME crowdlending and crowdlending for mortgages in particular will see an above-average increase in volume," says Dietrich. He also expects high growth in crowdfunding in the sports sector: "Clubs in particular are increasingly discovering crowdfunding as a source of financing, for example for new sports equipment, hall or pitch renovations."

Link to the study:

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