Lucerne Festival Academy is looking for host families

Around 130 young instrumentalists, conductors and composers from over 30 countries are expected to take part in this year's Lucerne Festival Academy. As is the case every summer, the artists will be hosted by Lucerne residents.

Rehearsal of the Academy 2016 with Alan Gilbert and Anne-Sophie Mutter (Image: Videostill)

Hosts are being sought for the period from August 12 to September 2, 2017, who will provide the academy students aged 18 to 32 with a place to sleep, including breakfast.

Interested parties can choose between two models, the "sponsorship" and the "host family". The "sponsorship" model offers free participation in events during the festival, where the hosts can experience their guests "in action": You receive two tickets each for the Academy's opening and closing concerts, followed by an aperitif, and you can attend selected Academy rehearsals, artist talks and the dress rehearsal of a symphony concert.

In addition, sponsoring families are automatically accepted into the circle of Friends of the Lucerne Festival for one year and benefit from exclusive offers such as participation in the event before the patron concert and an invitation to the information event on the program of the upcoming festival year. They also receive access to the Friends of Lucerne Festival Foyer Lounge and the right to purchase a maximum of 14 tickets in advance.

The "host families" will be paid 30 francs per night and person. They also receive two tickets for the Academy opening concert, a 50 percent discount on the purchase of two tickets for the Academy closing concert and the opportunity to attend selected Academy rehearsals.

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