Suisseculture criticizes national digital strategy

Suisseculture criticizes the Federal Council's paper on digitalization. According to the umbrella organization of cultural professionals, the Federal Council is ignoring the cultural industry and the fundamental issues surrounding the Internet as a legal space.

Photo: Artemos /

The digital strategy from last fall did at least mention culture, but did not focus on the role of the artist and the development of their creative content, but rather on the mediation aspect, writes Suisseculture. However, the cultural market also plays a major role in various art forms, especially when it comes to mediation.

In the cultural sector, artists are primarily affected by the distribution opportunities that digitization has brought with it. Not only the music and film industries are affected, but also the book industry, in short: all cultural sectors where the compensation of authors is made up of many small returns from the sale of many copies of their works.

According to Suissculture, the music industry is a prime example of how a technical development can completely uproot a proven business model. With broadband access, file sizes are no longer an obstacle, even for the exchange of films. These industries are faced with the big question of how artistic works should be brought to market in the future: In the meantime, even the newly created legal models are hardly worthwhile.

The paper can be downloaded at:

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