Tonkünstlerverein discusses future financing

The federal law on the promotion of culture, which has been in force since 2012, means that the Swiss Association of Musicians (STV) will no longer receive any financial support from the federal government in future. It now wants to discuss what this means for it at an information and exchange evening.

Photo: Dietmar Silber/

When the new Culture Promotion Act came into force in 2012, a far-reaching reform was introduced with regard to the promotion of cultural organizations, the initial consequences of which were already apparent at the beginning of the 2012-2016 funding period (including the reduction of the Federal Office of Culture's contribution to the STV by around a third).

The current cultural message, which was adopted by Parliament in summer 2015, contains the statement that in the 2017-2020 funding period, the federal government will "work towards close cooperation between the organizations within the individual sectors and, if necessary, towards a reduction in the number of financial aid recipients." This has now become reality in an unexpectedly drastic way. From 2018, only nine of the previous seventeen organizations of professional cultural practitioners will receive financial support from the BAK.

The STV is one of the eight associations that will no longer receive financial support as independent structures from next year. The FOC justified its decision with reference to a funding ordinance according to which associations "that are active in the cultural sector but are primarily focused on the promotion and mediation of creative artists or the collection and preservation of cultural assets" will no longer be supported.

To mark the occasion, STV is inviting its members to an information and discussion evening. The STV management will present possible scenarios for the future and put them up for discussion in order to involve the members in the upcoming change processes from the outset.

When? Wednesday, March 15, 7:15 p.m.
Where? Atelier Bollwerkstadt, Forum (1st floor), Bollwerk 35, 3011 Bern (5 minutes on foot from the train station).
Please register via the office by March 10 at the latest.

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