Thurgau Cultural Foundation remains independent

The Thurgau cantonal government has approved the canton's ownership strategy 2017 to 2020 for the cultural foundation. The foundation under public law is to continue to act independently and supplement the state's cultural funding. The foundation is financed with funds from the lottery fund.

Poster of the generations16 jazz festival, which was supported by the Cultural Foundation. Visual: zVg

The owner strategy determines the scope for the strategy of the Board of Trustees with overarching guidelines. According to the Canton of Thurgau, the ownership strategy must be reviewed every four years and adapted to new situations if necessary. The Cultural Foundation should retain its autonomy and independence, the Cantonal Government states in the Ownership Strategy 2017 to 2020.

The Cultural Foundation of the Canton of Thurgau was founded in 1991 by the cantonal government. It is a foundation under public law that supplements the canton's cultural promotion activities. According to its ownership strategy, the Cultural Foundation's sole purpose is to promote contemporary professional cultural activities. Its aim is to contribute to a diverse cultural life in the canton and to help create an attractive environment for professional artists. The Cultural Foundation is financed by the lottery fund.

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