Scenarios for cultural promotion in Zurich

The financing of cultural funding in the Canton of Zurich is to be simplified and made more transparent. Based on a study by the University of St. Gallen, government councillor Jacqueline Fehr has presented corresponding scenarios.

Schedler and Fehr at the media orientation (Image: Canton of Zurich/video still)

Government Councillor Jacqueline Fehr, Head of the Directorate of Justice and Home Affairs, commissioned the University of St. Gallen to conduct a study to provide a basis for decision-making. The Minister of Culture presented the results of the study at a media conference on Wednesday together with study author Kuno Schedler, Head of the Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance at the University of St. Gallen.

The analysis shows that Zurich's cultural funding, which has grown organically over the years, now has complex structures. In addition, investment decisions mean that the funds allocated for cultural promotion fluctuate considerably from year to year.

The study also concludes that the canton of Zurich must provide CHF 131.25 million per year if it wants to maintain cultural funding at the current level. The study outlines various ways in which the funding of cultural promotion in the Canton of Zurich can be secured in the medium term.

At the media conference, Madeleine Herzog, Head of the Cantonal Department of Culture, spoke out in favor of the creation of a cultural fund as proposed by the study. The study proposes allocating 25 percent of the income from the lottery fund to the fund. According to Herzog, the fund solution would have the advantage that the flow of funds and responsibilities for cultural promotion would be clearer and more secure in the long term. The fund solution would also provide greater transparency.

The Directorate of Justice and Home Affairs is incorporating the findings of the study on cultural funding into the consultation process on the planned new Lottery and Sports Fund Act

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