Pro Helvetia opens liaison office in Moscow

The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia has opened a liaison office in Moscow. The Arts Council has been present in Russia since the end of 2012 with the "Swiss made in Russia" exchange program.

Marc Tollas /

In its opening year, the office will focus on the visual arts, design and the performing arts. According to Pro Helvetia, there are also plans for Swiss writers to present their translated works at book fairs and festivals. The liaison office is now setting up a residency program that will enable Swiss and Russian artists to spend several months in the other country.

The liaison office is managed by four local employees who are well connected locally. After Cairo, Johannesburg, New Delhi and Shanghai, Moscow is Pro Helvetia's fifth liaison office. The foundation also supports the cultural programs of the Swiss institutes in Rome, Venice, Milan and New York as well as swissnex in San Francisco and runs the Centre culturel suisse in Paris.

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