Graubünden cultural funding to be revised

The Commission for Education and Culture of the Canton of Graubünden has discussed the total revision of the Culture Promotion Act. Among other things, the contributions to music schools are controversial. The canton has also launched a new portal for audiovisual documents.

Photo: Philip Newton/

According to a statement from the canton, the Grand Council's Commission for Education and Culture has dealt with the government's message on the total revision of the law on the promotion of culture. The committee unanimously approved the bill and passed the draft law - with numerous amendments - for the attention of the Grand Council.

Numerous majority and minority motions were received on the draft bill. In particular, "the increase in cantonal funding for culture by means of a framework credit, the contributions to music schools, the way in which the cultural promotion concept is dealt with, the allocation of tasks to the municipalities or regions, the position of the cultural commission at legislative level and social security for cultural workers" were disputed.

The improvement in the financial situation of museums and regional cultural institutions and the planning security that this would provide remained undisputed by the majority. In addition, other motions were put forward by members of the Commission with the aim of improving the position of culture and cultural professionals in individual areas.

The Office of Culture also makes more than 25,000 electronic data records on collection objects available online: In the cantonal library, 6,500 films, videos and audio documents and over 360,000 catalog entries have been digitized. The data now allows comprehensive information and communication about important cultural assets.

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