Task force on the scarcity of space for cultural projects in Aarau

A survey of cultural professionals in Aarau shows that studio, rehearsal and club spaces are in short supply in the city. The establishment of a task force is planned to improve the situation for cultural workers.

Photo: Oliver Weber/pixelio.de

In an online survey conducted in August and September 2016, the City of Aarau's cultural office asked Aarau's cultural practitioners about the current situation of their studio, rehearsal and club spaces. 94 percent of the respondents took part.

The survey shows that many cultural professionals are currently looking for suitable rehearsal, studio or club rooms in Aarau and that the demand for rooms will increase over the next few years. They are looking for rooms up to 50 square meters with favorable rental conditions in the Aarau region. Many cultural professionals are willing to use rooms in interim use for a certain, fixed period of time.

The city itself cannot offer its own properties. In order to improve the situation for cultural professionals, a task force is to be set up. This is intended to raise awareness of the issue in the city and among the general public, maintain an exchange with the city's urban planning department and seek contact with private property managers. In particular, the mediation of space search, space offer and space sharing should be addressed.

This form of infrastructural support was already set out in the city's cultural concept from December 2014. Those responsible are hoping for unbureaucratic, clear and quicker access to spaces for public and private (cultural) events by setting up a space database.

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