Gema and YouTube reach an agreement

Gema, the German counterpart to Suisa, and the online platform YouTube have agreed on a remuneration arrangement for music videos. The corresponding license agreement retroactively covers the period from 2009 to the present day.

Picture: Andrew Perry/

With this agreement, Gema members will also be remunerated for the use of copyrighted works on the world's largest online video platform. According to its press release, Gema is fulfilling its fiduciary exploitation mandate towards its members by signing this agreement.

In addition to the conventional ad-financed service, the agreement also covers the new subscription service, which YouTube already offers in the USA and which is also set to launch in Europe. However, there are still differing legal opinions between YouTube and Gema as to whether YouTube or the uploaders are responsible for licensing the music works used.

There has been an agreement between Suisa and YouTube since 2013. License agreement. It regulates how Swiss composers and lyricists are compensated for the use of their work on the video platform in Switzerland and abroad.

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